I had a really bad dream last night.
I dreamed that this evil witch and clown
(cause we all know clowns are evils!)
snuck in and casts a spell over the entire town!
Available at the Arcade - September 2015
I woke up the next morning and was happy that it was all a dream.
It was going to be a good day.
My Aunt Raina came to take me to the market.
Which of course means a stop by the candy store...
But as we got to town, and I looked around....
Oh No!!
The spell turned all of the merchants in town into bears!!!!
Available at the Arcade - September 2015
I kept trying to tell Aunt Raina what was going on.
But she just kept taking my hand and dragging me along.
It was like she didn't see that the whole town except us was bears!
Her didn't even let us stop and get candies.
Nope, her made me go to the farmer's market.
She knows that I don't likes green foods....
Available at the Arcade - September 2015
Aunt Raina still didn't see all the bears...
I don't understand how grown ups can't see what is right in front of them!
Somebody pinch me so I know if this is a dream or not!!
What I'm Wearing:
Available in the Stray Kitties Diva Dolls Outfit
Available in the Sugar & Spice Lil Sis Outfit
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