Today was another fun day on the cruise. We went to sleep last night in Tortilla Chips and today we woke up in Kit Kats. I really don't understand the names of these places. I mean I didn't see one tortilla chip yesterday. I love mine chips and cheese dip so I was sad not to get any. Then today I look and looked and looked for kit kats. But again I didn't find any. Daddy you need to fix this, you can fix anything!
And Papa you needs to ground Poppy. She brought me shame today. I woke up this morning and this is what she had on!!!!
That hat does not go with her outfit. *shakes my head* Luckily, she listened when I told her to change.
Once we got up and dressed off to Kit Kats we went. It was really pretty there. We were so surprised because Trudy was flown in by helicopter to cruise with us!
We did a little shopping. One of the nice counselors brought us to something called an A-T-M. That was like magics. Do you know you can put your credit card in it and it gives you moneys and your card? It was amaaazing!! Kaity, Poppy and me found this place where they sell all kinds of medicines and neat looking paper...
After we spent all the money the A-T-M gave us we went to the beach. We had so much fun at the beach there was lots and lots to do. There was swimming and everything. Poppy was in a mean game of Bumper Buoys. She helped score the winning goal!!!
It wasn't long before we got hungry and went back to the ship. Don't worry Papa, I didn't have Death by Chocolate today. I had something much better... ice cream sundae with cherries. Poppy had them icky oysters again today.
After lunch we spent some time on the ship. It was a good thing I had changed into my hula skirt and bikini because we got in a water gun fight at the pool. After playing most of the afternoon in the sun we needed to take a break. I might have even taken a nap. We had a nice relaxing break at the butt of the ship. I hope the ship doesn't fart!!!
When we woke up it was time for the ice cream social! O-M-G! This cruise is heaven! I wish Siddy and Suri were here. I mean at the ice cream social I had brownies, cookies, chocolate syrup, candy with strawberry and chocolate ice cream. I wonder what I will have to eat tomorrow!
The counselors said after all that sugar we needed to expend our energies. Whatever that means. Off to Zumba we went. I really love Zumba we get to dance around and act silly. Sometimes Miss Jesie even raps for us.
After Zumba it was getting time for supper. We were having a hula party on the beach! That's why we had changed earlier. Our counselor Miss Latte is so much fun. We had a dance party with dinner. They had a piggie hanging above the camp fire. I'm not so sure about that, he looked really warm. We had cheeseburgers. I love cheeseburgers. We also had a big frozen drink called a virgin Marge Rita. It was all yummy in the tummy.
Before we left to head back to the cruise ship, Kaity got to meet Flipper!!! It was so cool!
Once we got back to the ship we had scary story time. We did really good in the beginning but it wasn't long before we got really sleepy.
Oh, before I forget. Poppy got y'all this postcard.
Love you,
Sami & Poppy
PS. Daddy, can you send tortilla chips & Kit Kats??
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